ART Training

Last week I had the opportunity to be an assistant for ART training at our facility.  I’ve been an assistant before, it was extra special to do this one to show off our beautiful new facility to other professionals, but mostly knowing FIVE more of our Moving Forward therapists had the opportunity to get their training done!  I’m so excited that so many of us can have another fantastic modality to help support our clients.    For those not familiar with ART, it is Accelerated Resolution Therapy.  When they say accelerated, I have yet to have a client needing to rework their same event more than ONCE.  It is such a healing, rapid trauma modality it is so difficult to explain the transition a person has in just one hour – you truly need to experience it to understand it.  Haha, I had a client refer to the point stick I use as a “magic wand” and their session as “some kind of Voodoo or something.”  It really is amazing!  If you want to have a more thorough explanation this is their link:

Having Moving Forward Counseling be able to host this training had me so filled with gratitude, not only were we able to have 5 of our therapists trained, but also 12 more therapists from the community!  We also had the opportunity to have Joseph Anderson come up and be our trainer.  I had the opportunity to train with him a year ago a bit farther south, anyone who is looking for training opportunities – the commute to train under Joseph is totally worth it.  He is fantastic!

The 3 days of training did not disappoint.  Not going to lie, it is exhausting in the most magical way.  Every morning consists of learning information and watching Laney (the founder) do her magic for a couple of different situations, haha, she’s master goals!  Then each afternoon trainees were divided up into groups of 2-3 people with each group having their very own assistant with them through the practicum.  Each person was able to practice these new techniques for a full session as well as observe and participate in working on a situation they had brought in to work on.  I have never been to training with this level of individualized care!  I was very grateful for the spaciousness of our facility which was able to comfortably provide a private space for six groups as we all broke off in the afternoon. Haha, we had options of other spaces that weren’t needed – which was great!  Then during lunch break, it was wonderful to see people take advantage of our mini kitchen space we use for our PHP and IOP clients to warm their food, grab cold drinks and lounge in the space for a much-needed break.

As always it was an honor and privilege being witness to people bringing their authentic selves, many times with tears at the beginning of the session and having those tears shift to ones of gratitude and laughter as the session progressed.  Again, just magical.  I would love for Moving Forward to be able to host more trainings!  I love training opportunities to continue to grow in my practice.  For us to have the opportunity to support trainings for the community is so exciting!