Moving Forward Counseling offers both in-person and telehealth therapy sessions. We offer telehealth sessions for those who are sick, or can’t make it into the office due to bad weather, or those who are just not comfortable coming in person.
The rules of counseling are for the counselor to provide a safe, respectful and supportive environment for the client to come and process through their struggles. The counselor will also respect the client’s confidentiality and what is discussed in the session will not be discussed outside of the session.
Each counselor is a master’s level clinician that is licensed with the State of Utah to work as a counselor.
Moving Forward Counseling works with adolescents and adults.
Moving Forward Counseling works with client’s struggling with substance abuse, trauma, mental illness issues such as depression and anxiety. We also work with the LGBT population, and couples trying to work through relationship issues.
You can expect a counselor who is professional and considerate, while gently exploring your background and what issues have led you to counseling. Expectations from there vary based on the client and their needs. Some clients will need to have a safe space to vent and feel safe saying things out loud while doing their own work. Others will require more encouragement and challenges from their counselor in order to gain new perspective and build the confidence to grow.
Typically, the session will last 50 minutes. This is not a lot of time and client’s will be asked to be prepared to make the most of their time in order to fully utilize these 50 minutes.
If you have realized you could benefit from talking to a professional to help you through some of your struggles, you are a candidate for counseling. The next step is finding the correct fit and working with counselor that is the best fit and will help you grow.
The best way to prepare for a therapy session is to be ready to discuss some of the major stressors in your life that are causing the most disruption, as well as have questions ready for the counselor about their therapeutic style and their thoughts on how to best provide you the help you need.
This can vary from counselor to counselor, but at Moving Forward Counseling, the first session will be about exploring your history and the background of some of the issues that have brought you to therapy in the first place. This is a vital part of the counseling process as the counselor will be coming up with a diagnosis and a plan to best treat you in future sessions, as well as time for you to evaluate the relationship and the rapport building and if you believe this counselor will be the best fit to help you.
The counselor will ask a wide variety of questions but the goal of the counselor is to not give advice and talk the entire session. The goal is to ask questions and encourage the client to come up with the answers that will best work for you. The counselor is trained to ask open-ended questions that will allow the client to not just answer with a yes or no, but come up with answers that feel true and provide explanations of these answers.
Counseling sessions vary in price based on if the client is self-pay (not using insurance) or if they are using their insurance.These sessions will range from around $70.00 – $125.00 depending on if the client has met their insurance deductible and how much of the session their insurance company will be covering. The best way to know this will be to contact the customer service phone number on the back of the insurance card and ask how much of the $125.00 therapy session will be the patient responsibility.
Any concerns the client would like to discuss. This includes concerns about the therapy process or background issues that could affect the process.
Moving Forward Counseling is paneled with the following insurance carriers:
- Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Anthem
- Cigna
- Aetna
- Select Health
- United Healthcare
- Beacon EAP
- Tricare
It is important to look at this like a first date or a job interview. You will need to evaluate if you believe the counselor understands the concerns you are bringing to the session and will be a good chemistry match to support you and push you to grow. If you are not sure if this is the right counselor, then continue to interview potentials to see if you can find the person you feel fits best.
This all depends on what you need and what concerns you need to address. This can be meeting twice per week or twice per year. Your counselor will evaluate this frequency while formulating a treatment plan for you early on in your sessions.
If the client needs to cancel a counseling session, there will need to be 24-hour notice. Moving Forward Counseling values you as a client and the time you are willing to give in order to address the issues in your life. We also value the time of your counselor and believe that when the counselor has blocked off time on their busy schedule for you, the expectation is you will be there to work as hard as they are willing to work with you.
There are last-minute circumstances that prevent clients from attending their appointments and if there is an opportunity to still have the session via telehealth, our therapists still want to see you. If the session needs to be canceled completely and it is less than 24-hour notice, this will be handled on a case by case basis.
Yes we have medication prescribers who can evaluate you for medication needs and send your prescription directly to your pharmacy of choice. , Moving Forward Counseling does not prescribe medications.
Clients will be encouraged to make every effort to stay with their existing counselor and explore what barriers or obstacles they feel with that counselor. These happen from time to time and it can provide tremendous growth opportunities for the client to work through these obstacles and form a strong relationship with their counselor. If every effort has been exhausted and the client still feels they cannot make the progress they need with their current counselor, there will be a discussion of who might be the best potential fit and a hand-off to a new counselor will be facilitated.
You will be matched with a counselor during the initial conversation when you are entered into the system as a new client and we find the counselor who works best with your concerns as well as matches best with your schedule.
There are times where counselors will be discussing your case with the treatment team in order to best support each other on how to treat a certain issue or even used as a learning opportunity in supervision when one intervention was used and another intervention could be used in the future. Due to all counselors code of ethics and HIPAA, there is no information that will be shared outside of this treatment team.
There are several ways to do this. You can call or text Moving Forward Counseling at 801.810.5037. You can email info@movingforwardutah.com. Or if you are on the website, look up at the “Make An Appointment” button on the top of the page. We are happy you are seeking help and want to make it as easy as possible for you to come see us.
This will be based on the concerns you the client is bringing to work on, as well as the specialties the counselor works with and if that counselor works during the schedule you can be seen.
This is generally a text message to cell phones but can also be emailed based on the client preference.
Moving Forward Counseling is committed to helping anyone who is wanting help. If coming in for sessions is too difficult, we will work to accommodate via telehealth sessions. If you decide you need in-person help and coming in to the office is too difficult, we can assist with helping you find a counselor who is more local to you and can still provide the help you need.